Author Archives: ASM



More than 68% of the Chennai population have migrated from the semi urban and rural areas of Tamil Nadu. Many of them are forced to live in the new environment as Individuals on their own. In due course, they form their own nuclear families, which are totally cut off from their traditional bonds and roots. With the breakdown of the joint family system, they are often overwhelmed by challenging financial, cultural, and family issues. Stress, alcoholism, anger and depression have become the integral part of the life style of this new generation.

After 2010, suicide in Chennai is almost doubled from 1.325 to 2.438 in 2011 and it has pushed Bengaluru down to occupy the top position. A recent study found that in Chennai those who committed suicide had lost belief in god, kept aloof from religious ceremonies and festivals, changed their religious affiliations and rarely visited places of worship.

11% had lost their faith in the three months prior to suicide. In almost all cases lack of religious faith was the deciding factor. Our vedic Rishis have given us solutions to such problems in the form of Homams or Yagnas.

What we Do?

ASM organises free Homam every month in each Chennai Corporation Zone.

Based on the details shared by the registered participants, their horoscopes are cast by experienced astrologers and based on that prayaschitta homams are organized.

Our Reach so far

We have conducted 356 Homam’s across Chennai Corporation.

Totally 22,126 people benefitted through this Family Welfare Homam.